Saturday, 13 April 2013


I like posting my new reviews on Facebook.  It gives me that warm feeling that someone out there has taken the time to do it - and it should be appreciated.  So after posting it around lots of those Facebook groups I belong to, I'm posting it here too, just in case I hadn't given you enough hints about my books and how much I'd appreciate any input into the story... or I should say, stories.   
Part Two is going to the proof reader this week and then it's off to Books To Go Now and their brilliant editors.   Won't be long now before you find out what Rachel and Arun got up to!   Did I mention that Arun gets married?

So here's the review...

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent!, April 11, 2013
By Katie Kindle 
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Judgement of Souls (Kindle Edition)
I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised to see this novel returns to the old traditional vampire and puts to rest this idea that vampires have to "suck", sorry for the pun!

This story is reminiscent of something that Anne Rice would write, in that Felices' vampires are quite dark and dangerous, and yet they can still feel human emotions such as jealousy and love. The attraction between Rachel and Daniel is magnetic, and when an old love threatens not only their relationship but all mortals, Rachel must rely on her true friends to defeat the evil Max. I don't want to spoil anything here, so I won't say anything other than I really enjoyed this debut novel! The book is well paced and cleverly written. The scenery is Gothic and brooding. She puts a new spin on a classic monster! I can't wait to read the next book in this series!   

Thursday, 4 April 2013


I added my first video to the blog...   anyone would think I knew what I was doing...  for those of you who haven't watched it before, take a look...

BLOG HOPPING... at least that's the plan! 

Well I have agreed to go on my very first Blog Hop – it’s called “Hot Summer Nights Blog Hop!” (Hot summer? In Wales? I wish.)  in case you come across it and it's happening on May 22nd to 29th.    
Now, I’ve never done one of these so it’s totally alien and I’m worried that I’m going to miss it because even though I’ve received instructions on how to do it, it’s sort of not sinking in!   Call it age, call it having my mind on other things, call it laziness.  But I’m wondering if I have to post the same thing on all the blogs or do I have to mix it up.  Plus I have to offer a prize - for doing what I have no idea yet - and what do I give away? 
I am having JUDGEMENT OF SOULS printed, so perhaps one of those books might be alright?  They are going to be one-off’s after all.  (And that's another story... after scaling it down to A5 size, it's turning out to be a wopping 330 pages! No wonder those books I've been reading have been so big - and there I was feeling quite inadequate because mine didn't go that big!)
But back to the Blog Hop and I seriously need an idiots guide. 
                                     This sort of thing:  
Step 1, find the first person who is listed as part of the blog. 
Step 2, add your links to their blog.
Step 3, and so on and so on.  
So if anyone out there is going on this blog too or has gone on one… send me the correct STEP 1, STEP 2, STEP 3… and I’ll be really really grateful. 

And I'm giving stuff away.  Well not stuff, just one item per winner.  It's Welsh, it's traditional, and it's cheap to ship abroad if I have to.   

 Now what can I keep you up to date with?   
Well I’m on the final read through of JUDGEMENT OF SOULS 2: The Call of the Righteous, then I’m going to get someone else to read it.  You know when you feel there’s something missing from your story? Well, I’m sure there should be more added and for the life of me, I can’t see it.  Maybe it’s a nerve thing.  I had great reviews and feedback from the first book and I’m worried sick this one won’t match up.  I have some great moments in it, and a lot of questions answered from JUDGEMENT OF SOULS 3: Kiss at Dawn that will make you wonder how it all started and how far back I can go… and that’s the next project. 

Well I guess that’s it for now.   Pop over to my Facebook page if you want to chat, or add a comment here and I’ll get back to you.
Cwtches from Wales.